The Sketch

Dense, dark woods of your hair

Lonesome-ness on face, yet fair

Your glittery eyes, crystal clear

Miles far away, still so near

Your lost visions,and deep looks

Mysterious smile like poetry of books

Glimpses of you, weaved my world

But you were an sketch!,somebody told

Now its time to shape you wholly

Breeze of your love, touches slowly

Desire of you throughout lingers

Innocent ,magical, ones are fingers

You are excited to be completed

To complete you,I am excited

Few more weeks to go my love

And we create our own globe !

#For the love of Arts!!!

Originally written for Pax Et Dolor

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45 thoughts on “The Sketch

  1. WoW!!!! Wonderful like always Jyoti though it looks like different from your usual style of writing and one the best i read from your pen.
    I hope smiling poetess is doing well!
    Have a great week ahead😊
    Merry Christmas & a great new year ahead to you💐🙏

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Your words connect to the heart- People need to be reached , and this is exactly what you are doing. Thank you for writing and connecting.Have a great day…. ( Thank you for your comment)

    Liked by 1 person

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